Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shout out...

Here's a shout out to two fantastic couples who tied the knot over the weekend!

My cousin got married on Friday night. It was a fantastic time and everyone is so happy for both of them. I love it when great people marry great people... Congrats you two!

One of my dear friends got married on Saturday night. It was also a beautiful wedding and an amazing time. I am sooooo incredibly happy for my friend, for finding such and amazing guy! AND I am sooooo incredibly happy for the groom who hit the lottery in finding my friend!

Although I don't have a picture of the two of them, I do have a picture of my friend and me together, thanks to a cell phone. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Chemo Brain, etc

Chemo Brain is real... I forget everything! I am trying to adjust to my new memory problems. But the thing is... I forget that I forget, so it all kinda works out. I forget who I tell stories to, I forget who called or who texted me, I think of something then I forget what it was I was thinking, and it goes on and on. I overheard a lady in the treatment waiting room say something to the effect of, "I hate forgetting everything because of these stupid drugs!" She just kinda screamed it out, not sure if she was even talking to someone or if she just wanted to make a blanket statement to the world.

So, I'm trying to deal with it in many ways...
1) I write every plan I might have down in my pocket calendar
2) I check my calendar multiple times a day
3) I revisit texts and voicemail
4) Anything really important I tell my family or friends to text me or call me to remind me what I have to do
5) Before I start telling a story, I ask if I have already told it to that particular person
6) I have to slow way down and think a lot more than I ever have had to in the past
7) There are more things I do, but I can't remember them right now

Then there are the hot flashes! I get anywhere from about 5-10 in a 24 hour time period. I'm getting used to them, but it does hurt my sleeping. I wake up various times a night.

I also must mention the steroids. It's now 2:06 am and I am not the least bit tired. On the days I get treatments they pump me so full of (oh, hot flash as I'm typing this) steroids that I don't sleep at all on Thursday nights. Now that I know this, I don't even try. I have already watched the late shows, and now I'm on the computer writing this. I plan to read or watch a movie after I finish writing. 

Despite these three side effects, and the various others, it's still nothing compared to AC Chemo. It still sucks, as it is chemo and I never feel great, BUT it's a joy compared to what I went through!

Changing the subject drastically:

I just returned from a wonderful three days at the lake. I went down with some friends from work, one of those friends being Erin. Erin was the one in the ICU for many weeks with a rare lung disease. She is getting stronger and stronger by the day, and we all had so much fun swimming and talking and playing games together. It just makes me realize how fortunate I am to still have her in my life. We never know what can happen day by day. Take that extra time to really appreciate the ones you love while you can. I know that sounds very cliché, but sometimes we get lazy or so wrapped up in our own lives we forget about those closest to us. Spending the week at the lake with these friends lifted my spirits. I am inspired by Erin and all she has had to endure, while still laughing and smiling every step of the way. Thanks for being you my friend!

That's all for now... AS you might be able to tell, the steroids not only keep me awake, they keep me chatty!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Taxol... not bad!

I noticed that I haven't written for a while, so I thought I'd say hello. Sometimes I wait to write until I'm inspired by a conversation or something I have seen. Although I have been inspired throughout the last two weeks, I feel like being simple today.

I have now had two rounds of Taxol, the lesser of the two evils. It's really not bad at all compared to AC Chemo! I get fatigued easily and my bones really ache for a few days, but no stomach issues or dizziness! So far, it's pretty much a walk in the park!

Therefore I have been able to enjoy my summer! I have had many meals out, seen some old friends, gone to a few movies, had a long weekend at the lake with my family, entertained a friend from out of town, etc.

So, I think I am over the hardest part of this cancer process- I have climbed the mountain, and it was steep and difficult and technical, but I have reached the top. There is still a LONG way to go to get down, but it should be easier. I have to say the view is good from up here, so I might just sit and enjoy it for a while!

Now, something even easier than climbing a mountain is walking the Susan G Komen walk with me on Aug 14th! Don't forget to sign up to be on my team. Just click the pink link above this entry and sign up. I know it's still early, but I'm not sure if the price goes up as time gets closer!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, June 3, 2011

WALK and PARTY- AUG 14th



When: Sunday, August 14th 7:00ish am-????

Where: First we will meet at Union Station in front of the main doors facing Liberty Memorial between 7:00-7:15. Then those that want to run the 5K will head to the start and those of us that want to walk will head to the walking start. After the race, the party will begin at my house with food and drink and sprinklers for the kids (and adults) to run through. And much more, that I haven't thought of yet! 

Who: Everyone and anyone and friends and family of anyone and everyone! All ages welcomed and encouraged!

Why: The Susan G Komen Walk for the Cure raises money to help fight breast cancer. And, well, since I have breast cancer why not get some people together to fight for the cause. The party at my house will be a thank you for all of the love and support that have come my way!

How: I have formed a team on the Susan G Komen website. All you have to do is click on the link below and join my team. You do not have to fundraise, all you have to do is sign up for the race through my page (so you're on my team). The cost for the race is 25.00 per adult. (Young kids can ride in strollers for free)

Click Below to be on my team and register for the race:

What else: You will get a free t-shirt for registering for the race, but if you want to buy one of my "Cancer Sucks" team shirts it's only 10.00. My team shirts will look like the one I am wearing in the picture except they will be black with pink writing. (Pink is reserved for survivors so I'll be wearing the pink one). NO OBLIGATIONS to buy a shirt, but if you want one, please let me know how many and what sizes. I will order them the last week of July so I can get them all to you before the race. I will have a running list, so you can either comment below with your name and size, e-mail me, text me, call me, or facebook me.. :) (Too much technology!)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today my oncologist postponed the start of my next round of Chemotherapy. Turns out my white blood cell count was too low to begin, so I'll start next Thursday. This makes sense actually because I am just now recovering from a terrible cold, damn immune system- or lack of one. I came down with it two weeks ago and am just now getting better. So, rather than risk having to stop treatments in a few weeks, we just postponed a week. It's not a big deal, but this means I'll have to go a week longer than expected in August. On the flip side, I get to feel pretty good my first week of summer break. So, I'm very happy about that!

Now I'm off to the park to make my fuzzy friend happy! See below...