Friday, July 22, 2011

Why Not?

It all started with this....

Then it went to this...

So, I thought to myself... why not?!

So, we'll see! I don't know if he will ever see it, but it was fun to make!

About the race, don't forget to sign up on the actual Susan G. Komen site by clicking on the pink link above. As for shirts, I have a running list if you want one. I have to put the order in by August 4th, so time is going quickly. I know they have youth smalls, for littler kids, but I'm in the process of figuring out if we can get T sizes... Adult shirts are 10.00 and youth small shirts are 6.00...

Make sure the kids have bathing suits as we will have small pools set up, and I might even get a fire truck here to unleash the hydrant. I'm also in the process of trying to get the street closed off for a few hours! I hope to see you all there to help me celebrate the fact I'm almost done with Chemo!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats for almost being done with chemo! Great video! You are inspirational.

