So, give my mom credit! The hotel thing was a great idea. The roads were terrible and just the mile drive to the hospital was very slippery. But, we got there, and got home okay. To top it all off, in a good way, we have had two snow days! I didn't have to call in sick for work at all, which is great since I have a feeling I'll be calling in a lot this semester.
I had a core biopsy, and the radiologist said he got some good samples. They really numbed everything up so I didn't feel a thing until the meds wore off, and it still wasn't too bad. So, back to the waiting game. It could be anytime now, really. I'm ready to have some concrete information so I can move on from this spot...
Through all of this I have been reading some of my old travel journals. I stumbled upon something I wrote while I was living in Costa Rica 14 years ago that still holds true to how I think. I'm going to share it:
To me, we are alive to learn as much as we can in the time we have. We are to learn about ourselves, others, and the world we live in. We are here to have and to accomplish dreams, we are here to fail, to love, to hurt, and to be hurt. We are here to desire and to be desired. We are here to accept and to deny. We are here to find balance in ourselves and in what we do. We are here to live, I mean really live. To take chances and to not be afraid of what those chances may bring. If we don't we will never learn. And education is what makes us be and what makes us wise. Never stop learning because learning equals life.
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