Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Funny comments and questions

I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out to the boob voyage party Sunday. We all had a great time watching the game and hanging out.  I even had a friend from Maryland fly in for the event, or maybe I had the event because my friend flew in... Whatever the case it was great to see her and catch up! I'll post some pictures below...

I have had some amazing questions and comments from my students the last few days, so I had to share the humor. I'll just list them, in no particular order... And yes, I do teach HIGH SCHOOL.

"Ms. Macintosh do you start chemo this Friday?" (I answer that surgery is Friday, not chemo) He asks, "Is that when they put the metal balls in?"

"Ms. Macintosh, isn't it true that weed cures all diseases?" (Don't think that came from textbooks)

"Ms. Macintosh, can I ask how much all of this will cost?" (I explain insurance and copay) He responds, "In Mexico we don't have insurance, we just change our name after everything is over and run."

"Ms. Macintosh can we come visit you, and stay the week? Could that be an excused absence?"

"Ms. Macintosh, just think, Friday at this time you'll have a hole in your stomach." (Not sure at all what this kid is thinking?)

"Will you're hair ever grow back?" (Her eyes were wide and very concerned. I let her know it would) Her response, "whew, I's gonna say...."

Now, this might explain why there is a need for an ELL program and why I really love my students and my job so much. These kids make me laugh everyday.

But, one of the most caring comments was from my 4 year old niece. We were watching cartoons together and she looked at me all matter of fact and said, "Boo, there are princess Band-Aids in the closet if you need one. Go ahead and help yourself, you know where they are."

This is the same niece who, as she was leaving the super bowl party said, "Thank you so much for inviting me to your party." Pictures below: Sorry I didn't get pictures of everyone!

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