Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good News Balances out with Bad News

Well, today sucked! I mean we had a few days to celebrate that my surgery went so well, and now it's back to a bit of worry. It turns out that my tumor was labeled as a level 3, instead of a level 2. This is not the stage of my cancer, it's the grade of the tumor. Each tumor is labeled 1-3, 1 being the least aggressive and 3 being the worst. Since mine was upgraded to a 3, I have to have many more scans and tests. Monday morning I will be spending all day in the KU Med hospital getting scans. I have to have a scan of my entire body to make sure this type of tumor isn't growing anywhere else. I will also have to get a bone scan, and tests on my heart to make sure I can withstand all of the chemo I'll need.

My oncologist is presenting my case to a group of oncologists so that they can all discuss my treatment options and the results of all of my scans. I will know next Thursday what my future entails. I do know it will be 18-20 weeks of chemo, and at least 5 years of medication after. (This would be the best case scenario). So, we are back to the waiting game, and praying for clear scans and a strong heart.

If you think this made my day bad, this was nothing. Today, one of my best friends, was diagnosed with a brain tumor (the size of a baseball). Many of you know Amy Carlson, as she was a colleague of mine at St. Teresa's, a roommate of mine for over a year, and a travel companion of mine through Africa, Mexico, Cuba, and all around the States.  I went straight from my oncology appointment to the hospital to be with Amy as she found out about all of this information. Tomorrow she will see a neurology surgeon, and most likely head straight into surgery to try and remove the tumor. We don't know if it's malignant or benign yet, but we must pray for benign, and a successful surgery! Amy has already spent a few nights with me, helping me take my meds in the middle of the night and making sure I was doing well. She slept right next to me, worrying about me every step of the way. Now, it is her going through the exact same thing. Why can the world be so unfair? I am still staying positive, but today has perhaps been one of the worst days I have ever had. Both Amy and I will get through this and both of us need your extra prayers and thoughts at this time. We WILL be success stories and we WILL have people continued to be inspired by our strength. But, today I stumbled a bit, and all I can hope is that tomorrow is a better day.

For those of you who know Amy, I just wanted to include her address. I know I have gained strength and courage from everything I have received from everyone throughout my process.

Amy Carlson
1038 Lawrence Ave.
Lawrence, KS 66409

Thanks all! Here's hoping for a better entry next time!


  1. Maybe this can be a bit on the good news side, although nowhere near balancing things out:

    There is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning for any woman currently undergoing chemo - once per month for four months while in treatment. All you have to do is sign up and have the doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a participating maid service in her zip code area arrange for the service. This organization serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners to help.

    Hoping for the best -


  2. Can't even separate you two through this life challenge, huh? You just have to do even cancer & tumors together, for Pete's sake! ;-)

    This is completely sucky. And I despise that you are both going through this. But you know what, there is something interesting and almost beautiful about being forced into this tailspin...together. At almost the same time. You have each other to lean on; truly. Y'all have already shown that in taking care of each other the last few weeks.

    Well, the rest of us are here for you both, too. I meant what I said tonight on Facebook. I have MULTIPLE friends here in KC who are young survivors; one actually going through treatment right now. If you want to reach out to them or have them contact you, just let me know and I'll make it happen.

    Health to you, friend!
