Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Care Calendar Update

Now that I know my plan for Chemotherapy, my friend has updated the care calendar with more dates. I only have 9 more days of freedom before being challenged by the first dose of the red devil! I know that April and May will be a bit more difficult for me since I will still be teaching full time and coaching soccer. The idea of cooking for myself when I am at 100% is difficult in itself, so doing it while undergoing chemo probably won't happen. I have really loved and appreciated everything I have gotten up to now, so it seems almost crazy to put down so many dates for food! :) I feel like everyone in my life has been so amazing with their cards, e-mails, calls, flowers, food, visits, support, etc...

I really love the visits, so I tried to pick times when I know I'll be home so I can say hello and catch up on your lives! The next 5 months for me will consist of a lot of couch and movie time, especially on weekends. If anyone out there needs a break and a good movie, just let me know and come on over! (I'll even let you do my hair:)

To access the calendar just click the pink link at the top of the page and enter the code.

Thanks so much!

Pictures of my first new haircut will come this weekend!

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